1). Application for leave should be briefly entered on the record page of the calendar. Such application should be sent only for serious reasons.
2). In case of illness or other unforeseen circumstances, a child returning to school even after one day absence must have the reason certified on the “Absence Record” page of the calendar by the parents.
3). Any child who has been absent or who comes late to class will not be admitted to class without the Principal's signature.
4). If a child is absent because of illness for more than a week, the Principal must be informed about it.
5). Any child suffering from a contagious disease will not be allowed to attend school. Medical certificate must be produced on returning to school. Student suffering from an infectious disease has to bring a fitness certificate from a registered doctor.
6). Unnecessary Long leaves for reasons such as marriages and extended vacations out of station will not be granted. No child is allowed to leave the school early other than in very exceptional circumstances, we will send the child along with the father or mother after the getting permission from the principals.